More voices and more hands needed


Matt Rich is the ranger at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve and is passionate about caring for our environment and planet. Earlier this month he headed to London with vast crowds of like-minded people to make a difference and to have their voices heard. Here he explains:

“’Restore Nature Now’ was the rallying cry that surged through the heart of London earlier this month, reverberating all the way to Parliament Square. Imagine it; over 60,000 voices, a symphony of passion, united by more than 350 different charities and organisations, all harmonising for our planet’s future. This is an incredible feat, only achievable by having a common goal in mind.

Restore Nature Now march June 2024

“A decade ago, I grappled with climate and environmental anxiety. The weight of knowledge pressed upon me – the urgency of action, the fear of inaction. But then, I stepped into the world of volunteering. Suddenly, I wasn’t just a spectator; I was part of the solution. The Wildlife Trust became my refuge, where I could roll up my sleeves and make a tangible difference.

“Fast forward to today and I work at one of the most amazing places I can think of in the south east, Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. Here, climate anxiety still lurks, but it’s tempered by camaraderie, my colleagues and fellow volunteers sharing stories, fears and dreams. Together, we weave resilience.

Restore Nature Now march June 2024

“And then came the Restore Nature Now march. People from Devon, Wales, Scotland all converging on London like a river of purpose. Conversations flowed like tributaries, each voice a ripple of hope. We weren’t just marching; we were weaving a tapestry of change and I’ve never felt more inspired or dedicated to our planet and doing the work I do.

“But let’s not rest on our laurels. Our work continues – it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Sussex Wildlife Trust, our beacon of conservation, stands tall. We need more hands, more voices. The next demonstration awaits and I’ll be there, shouting louder, reaching further.

“So, thank you to my tireless team, to every soul who marched and to the planet that cradles us. Let’s keep the chant alive: Restore nature now.”


Restore Nature Now march June 2024

Image Credits: Pip Newby , Richard Cobden , Richard Cobden .

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