It’s Dean’s Yard


A link to Rye’s history will be marked in the name of the new housing development being built off Tower Street. Rye Town Councillors discussed possible names at Monday’s meeting of the Planning Committee on July 8, selecting Dean’s Yard as their preferred choice. The final decision rests with Rother District Council.

Dean’s Yard was chosen as Dean’s Rag Book Company – a well-known manufacturer of teddy bears and “rag books” – used to be on the site between 1956 and 1980. Councillors noted how many residents would have memories of the company, making it the most appropriate choice. Cllr Pat Hughes told the meeting about being given one of the books growing up in Manchester, and mentioned how passengers on the community bus had told her about working at the company.

The new street, which is next to Webbe’s Fish Restaurant, was also home to removals and haulage firm Wright and Pankhurst.

The former Dean’s Rag Book Factory off Tower Street

Tower Mews and Tower Street Mews had already been rejected as names for being too similar to the main street. Other suggestions put forward by the developers included: Grizzly Court, Bear Mews, Blossom Court and Tinkers Yard – all rejected by the meeting at the town hall.

A town house, five terraced houses, and two Airbnb houses are being built in the new street.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. I’m very pleased that ‘my’ choice of Dean’s Yard won! My children had rag books when they were very young.
    However, I’m just wondering whether air b&b properties are obligatory? I feel that their place should prioritise in large towns/cities and not in smaller communities where affordable housing is essential for local folk and their families as they grow older.


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