The impact of wartime on Rye


The recently and lovingly restored Rye town model, at the heritage centre, has a new audio-visual presentation featuring the impact of the second world war on Rye. As part of the Rye Arts Festival programme it had its first showing on Saturday, September 14 to a packed house.

This new show highlighted what could be achieved by a small determined and creative team, all the more remarkable as it involved local volunteers including Jenny Hadfield and James Stewart. They are the perfect choice of narrators, and the presentation style perfectly suited the reality of war set against a backdrop of personal stories. The audience gave a vigorous round of applause at the end to show their appreciation.

The audience eagerly await the new audio-visual show at the Heritage Centre

There will be another showing on the September 21, but if you miss it the show will be coming back for an occasional viewing and will definitely be shown over remembrance weekend.

This article intends to leave the mystery and suspense hanging as we don’t want to give anything away. It is certainly a show not to be missed and a huge round of applause to Simon Parsons and his team for this innovative and exceptionally well thought out slice of Rye History.

As the audience left the Heritage Centre many stopped to say how much they had enjoyed it:
“That was excellent, I’m going to tell friends they must get tickets for next weekend.”
“Very well done, a professional piece of work.”
“Excellent, loved the story telling woven into the facts.”
“Very moving.”
“Opened my eyes, I had no idea so much had happened in Rye.”
“Very creative, well done.”

Enquiries for group viewings by schools and community groups, for example WI, U3A, Scouts, Guides etc. are very welcome – get in touch via or give the Heritage Centre a ring on their new, particularly apt phone number – 01797 33 1066.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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