A great storyteller


It’s possible somebody knows more about Rye’s history, but there will be few challengers to Noel Varley. Saturday October 5 is a chance to hear his stories and see some of his vast collection of photos of Rye back in the day.

Noel is a fantastic storyteller and you’ll hear tales of growing up in wartime Rye and adventures in far off places. He’s a well known face and voice around Rye, a member of the Rotary and a local boatbuilder for many years. He’s great on the changing face of Rye too, for example how Watchbell Street and Church Square used to be fishermen’s houses.

The event, which has been organised by the Rotary Club of Rye & Winchelsea, is taking place at Rye Community Centre on Conduit Hill between 10am and 2pm on Saturday, October 5. It’s £5 entry to include tea, coffee and cake.

You can hear more from Noel on our Ryecast podcast. Just click here to download

Image Credits: RAF .

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