Songs and supper


With two beach rescues this week at Fairlight, there’s news of a charity fundraiser to help the Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat (PLIRB). Beckley’s Diamond Divas have organised a sea themed night of songs with supper at Beckley Village Hall at 7pm on Saturday, March 29.

The evening will feature the Pett Slip Buoys and the Rye Bay Crew.

There will be a fun raffle with a day trip to the Isle of Wight for up to 7 people and a car alongside other sea-themed prizes. Tickets are selling out fast, cost £25 and can be bought online.

PLIRB has a proud history of being an independent lifeboat since 1970. This means they are not a part of the RNLI and do not receive funding from the RNLI. The service was founded initially to support the local fishing community and became the Pett Level Rescue Boat Association (subsequently the Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat Association) – receiving charity status in the 1980s.

In their 55-year history PLIRB has become a valued and respected community asset and service. They have an ambitious and exciting future ahead – and a four year plan to future proof their services to meet and exceed the expectations of their operations:

Stage one: boathouse development, completion target 2026, estimated cost £150,000.

Stage two: replace retired rescue boat, completion target 2027, estimated cost  £110,000.

This is a significant period of improvement, development and fundraising and they are urgently appealing for support. It was out of this need for funds that the volunteers who loved to sing began performing as the Pett Slip Buoys. All the money they earn from performances goes towards the new boathouse and boat target. They are holding their annual open day on Sunday, August 24 from 11am to 3pm and everyone is welcome. If you would like to be involved, please email

Image Credits: Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat .

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