Working to make Rye more accessible


Walking around Rye can be quite a challenge sometimes, cars parked across the drop-down curbs to crossing the road, narrow and damaged pathways. However, for wheelchair users or for people with mobility issues, this is a daily challenge and for some people so overwhelming that it’s not worth the venture out.

I have written articles in the past about such problems around Tilling Green and Rye  There were a lot of positive comments which was great and off the back of it Rye’s Rother District Councillor Simon McGurk got in touch and we arranged to have a walk around the town. We earmarked 8 spots where drop down kerbs should be installed and together we put an application into the East Sussex County Council Highways, but of the 8 spots only one was accepted. I was hoping for more to be done, especially having additional drop-down curbs and keeping pathways and access clear.

No access to dropped down curb

Parking on the pavement and blocking drop down kerbs is not just a Rye problem but a national problem. In Scotland the transport act 2019 makes it illegal to park on the pavement as well as double parking at dropped kerbs designed to allow pedestrians to cross the road safely. In Northern Ireland pavement parking is not permitted at any time along the length of urban clearways, whilst in most parts of England and Wales there are no laws to prevent cars parking on pavements or blocking drop down kerbs.

So on April 26, a Rye Mobility Awareness Day has been set up with the help of some volunteers and thanks to the help of local organisations: Tilling Green Residents Association, Rye Bowls Club, Rye Town Council, Rye Partnership, and Rye Hire.

We would love for local people to get involved, whether they are wheelchair users, use mobility scooters and even parents who struggle when prams or pushchairs. We especially need able-bodied people to come along and try out using a wheelchair.

There will be some wheelchairs for loan on the day, but it you can bring a wheelchair to use that would be extremely helpful. We are organising this event so that people can gain some awareness of how challenging it actually is for people with mobility issues! There will be several challenges to complete around Rye, starting at Tilling Green Community Centre at 10am and finishing at Rye Bowls Club for refreshments and feedback.

We really hope people will get on board and support this initiative and help to gather the evidence and feedback needed to push forward these issues and hopefully improve everybody’s access around Rye.

Please like our Facebook page where we will share news leading up to the event and of course some of the feedback after the event.

Image Credits: Dan Lake .

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  1. Well done Dan for organising this event. Glazier should be there or anyone who can make it easier for people with any disabilities. Make the high street car free.


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