Knitting blankets bomb town


Diana Hajikakou and Gillian Roder, sew-and-sews extraordinaire, are pictured with their most recent efforts as the blanket squares continue to arrive at St Mary’s Church.The Monday morning knitting and sewing group at St Mary’s (10am-12 noon) has been a wonderful opportunity for meeting, chatting and comparing squares, and it is lovely to be joined by others at 11am when we continue knitting and sewing over coffee.

However, there are lots of unknown people who continue to top up the box in the choir vestry, not only with squares but also with other knitted garments and toys they have made for the Iraqi refugees. Janet Waddams has several banana boxes already filled and with projects in the making there is the prospect of many more.

If any Rye residents still have not sorted through their craft boxes to find us their unwanted wool, we hope they will do it soon, so we can have a good number of blankets to go in the autumn lorry convoy. Many thanks to folk in Rye and further afield (including an unknown Australian lady!) for their help and co-operation in this important work. For more information telephone Sandra Lanigan on 01797 222571


Photo: Sandra Lanigan

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