Xmas as you wish it was


“Rye’s got talent”, a fundraiser for the “Christmas in Rye” volunteer group organising Christmas activities in Rye, features at the Milligan Hall from 8pm this Friday, October 23, with the audience in the hot seat as it will choose the winner – who then gets to showcase his/her or their talents on Saturday December 12, the focal point for most of the Christmas celebrations.

Tickets for Friday are £8, there is a bar, and around 15 acts may appear, including singers, bands, actors, comedians and other performers – but the list is secret. The judges will reduce the number down to about four, and the audience will then have to make the final decision.

Ms Timberlina (pictured above) will be your host for the evening, after recovering from the rumbustuous cabaret in the Lamb House Marquee at the end of the Arts Festival.

“Christmas in Rye” hope that Christmas this year will be as you used to know it with “a Dickensian celebration of the ancient town of Rye . . . where businesses, residents, schools and clubs once again come together”.

Activities and events include:

  • A Christmas market
  • Christmas craft workshops
  • Street pantomime and other performances
  • The return of the Christmas Pudding race
  • A good old fashioned Christmas procession
  • Art workshops with Richard Adams
  • Father Christmas and his Grotto, an ice rink and inflatables
  • Mother Christmas and her elves
  • The whole town’s carol concert at St Mary’s
  • Festive story telling with Ed Boxall and much more

This Friday’s fundraiser is to help cover the cost of costumes and performances on the day. Donations and other help has already been received from Richard Adams, the Jempsons Foundation, 1066 Country Marketing, The Rye Retreat, Rye Deli, the Ypres Inn, Harris & Rigby and Adams of Rye amongst others.

Helpers are also needed on the day to act as event assistants, general runners, marshals, Dickensian characters (in costume), production assistants in the performance areas (in the Strand and at the Town Hall) and procession staff.

If you can help on the day or in any other way whatsoever (including taking a stall in the Christmas Market, or performing) please contact liz@christmasinrye.co.uk or 01797 225166.

Photo: Seana Lanigan

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