Rye plans public consultations


The Rye Neighbourhood Plan is nearing completion and the Rye Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group  (RNPSG) are holding two open consultation sessions.

The first is at Tilling Green Centre in conjunction with the Swap Shop on Saturday January 16 between 9:30am and 12 noon. The second is at St Mary’s Centre on Saturday January 23 between 10:30am and 1:30pm.

If you want to come and see what is in the plan you would be very welcome to come and make any comments you see fit. Members of the RNPSG will be on hand to answer your questions .

The draft version seven of the plan can be found here Rye Neighbourhood Plan draft version 7. There is also a brief summary at  Summary. The RNPSG looks forward to meeting many of you at one of the two events.

Photo: Ray Prewer

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