Town’s litter group starts up


After almost a year of planning and recruiting volunteers, the first meeting for our volunteer litter picking group was held on Wednesday January 27 at the Town Hall.

Fourteen volunteers attended, including the Mayor and some Town Councillors, there were a few apologies for absence and five more sign- up sheets were taken at the end for possible new recruits. At the moment we have approximately 20 volunteers.

The first date for a litter pick has been set for Saturday March 5. Tilling Green Residents Association have kindly also set their yearly litter pick for this date, so that we can team up and work together to cover more of Rye.

This date was chosen due to the countrywide event being held this year called “Clean for the Queen”.  This is an event that is being set up by volunteers around England, to help tidy up in their local areas in celebration of the Queen’s birthday.

We are still open to new volunteers, so if anyone is interested in helping on the day, or in the future, they can get in touch with me ( or pop in to the Town Hall.

More litter picks will be set up throughout the year and my own litter picking schedule is available for people if they would ever like to come out and join me in a specific area.




Photo: Kenneth Bird

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