Money – to be given away


Thanks to the generosity of local people and substantial match funding from the Government’s Grassroots Endowment Challenge, The Rye Fund has reached £100,000. This sum remains on deposit and the interest is distributed in grants to voluntary groups and charitable bodies for projects that benefit the local community. The aim this year is to increase the fund to £200,000 to finance extra grants.

Applications for grants up to £1,000 are invited from groups within a 6 mile radius of the town. All applications are considered, including those from organisations that have received grants in the past. Anyone who has failed in previous attempts is encouraged to apply again. The panel is keen to see an increased number of applications. The closing date for applications this year is October 10.

When the panel met late last year grants totalling £7,000 were awarded. Not every application was successful but members felt that the projects chosen would be of the greatest all-round benefit to the community. There was surprise that some previous applicants had not reapplied. It was agreed that the form might be a deterrent and that if applicants needed help in completing it this could be provided.

Twelve groups were successful and individual members of the panel will make follow-up visits over the coming months. The groups and the purposes of the grants were:

  • 1st Rye Scout Group, £500 for completion of kitchen and toilets
  • Entertainment Workshops, £500 for salaries for professionals at workshops
  • Friends of Rye Wurlitzer, £500 for lessons for young people
  • Playden Community Friends, £250 towards start-up costs
  • Playden WI, £1,000 for repairs to village hall
  • Rye & District Community Transport, £1,000 towards replacement of old fleet
  • Rye Community Centre, £1,000 towards new ceiling
  • Rye Harbour Village Hall, £500 for replacement toilets
  • Rye Museum Association, £500 for the Medieval Conference 2014
  • Town Amateur Boxing Club, £500 for competition ring and heaters
  • The Music Well, £500 towards cost of music therapy
  • Winchelsea Bowls Club, £250 for purchase of seeder

Application forms can be downloaded from the Sussex Community Foundation website. Paper copies can be obtained from the office (01273 409440), or email the foundation. For further information please contact John Holbrook, chairman, Rye Fund Local Panel (01797 229364), or email

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