RTC to become landlord


A special meeting of Rye Town Council, held on Monday May 23, considered the results of a survey gauging local response to their proposal to borrow £210,00 to purchase a two-bedroom property for discounted rental to a young local household.

It was agreed that there was sufficient evidence of support, with some 86% in favour, to warrant pursuing the project. Some reservation was expressed regarding the engagement of the residents of Rye in the process and after extensive discussion it was agreed that there be “drop-in” sessions arranged to further publicise, inform and explain.

There was a general consensus that the idea was an innovative, albeit initial, response to the problem of housing young people otherwise lost to the Borough. It was, therefore, agreed that the Council would go ahead with the project and the “drop-in” initiative and that the Clerk should be instructed to apply for consent to borrow £210,000 prior to the Council meeting in June.

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