Saturday’s mystery


The Rye Fairtrade group is staging a murder mystery play this Saturday, September 10, from 3 to 5 pm in the Community Centre to support and publicise the need for producers from less developed countries to get a better deal for their produce from better off countries. The play is “Murder at Teatime” and will be followed by a Fairtrade cream tea and quiz. Tickets are £5 from Sheila Ovens on 0797 223240.

Earlier this year local schools took part in Fairtrade Fortnight with both the Studio and Primary Schools organising Big Breakfasts. These featured Fair Trade produce including bananas, jam, orange juice and chocolate (which feature the Fair Trade logo in supermarkets), and the schools also used locally sourced food (like milk, butter and pastries) as this helps keep the carbon footprint of the products down.

Children from the primary school also visited the Rare Breeds Centre to learn more about sustainable farming and growing produce locally, so the environment is better protected from climate change.

(Source: St Mary’s “what’s on” and Pendulum parish magazine)

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