Christmas card shop opens


The Cards for Good Causes shop opened this week at the Rye Community Centre on Conduit Hill. Christmas cards are on sale there for at least 25 charities, besides other Christmas merchandise. Most of the charities are national, with a few local ones such as the Oliver Curd Trust, the Rye, Winchelsea & District Memorial Hospital and the Music Well.

Organised again as last year by Jane Nunn, it is run by volunteer staff on a rota basis and opens Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm until December 20.

Charity cards are also available elsewhere in the town, for example at Adams atationers in the High Street, where cards sold in support of the Rye hospital contribute 100% of profits to this cause. Alternatively, St Mary’s Church are offering a selection of attractively recycled Christmas cards at the modest price of £1 for five.

Photo: Kenneth Bird

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