Rother Responders need recruits


South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) are  planning to almost double the number of Community First Responders over the next couple of years, and Rother Responders are actively looking for new volunteers. Full training is given and you don’t need to have previous medical experience.

The winter months are always busy for Rother Responders, and the team of volunteers continue to attend many incidents throughout the area. Being based in the community, they can get on scene very quickly and provide support to patients in the vital minutes before the ambulance arrives 

The team have also recently installed several new Public Access Defibrillators around the region and are regularly running free training sessions in their use. The most recent of which was at Camber Memorial Hall, which was very well attended by local residents.

Rother Responders is a registered charity and does not receive any NHS funding. For further details, visit their website, or email






Carl Fraser is Team Leader and Chairman of Rother Responders

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