Hospital plans for the future


The Rye, Winchelsea and District Memorial Hospital Ltd registered charity continues to progress its plans to bring more health-related services to the local community, in line with the East Sussex ‘Better Together’ strategy.

Sited on land adjacent to the GP surgery, terms have been agreed with Greensleeves to be the developer and care-home operator of a 60-bed care home. Planning is at a very early stage,  Barry Nealon, Chairman of the Board of the Charity, writes in the Friends of the Hospital at Rye Spring newsletter.

“A pre-planning application has been made and the target date for completion is June 2019. Greensleeves are a regional not-for-profit company with 20 other facilities attracting high-performance ratings from the Care Quality Commission.”

Mr Nealon goes on to report that: “Demolition of the ambulance station will start shortly and the Board is currently in detailed discussions with the planning department in regard to the day-care centre we plan to build on that site.”

Full consultation with the local community will be taking place about the care home and the day-care centre, with both Playden and Rye Foreign Parish Councils, other interested bodies and with individuals.

Photo: Courtesy Rye,Memorial Hospital

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. I find it sad,that so many of us walked with Paul Mc’Cartney, to this hospital, to help save it, and it has now become a glorified nursing home, for the people who can afford it

  2. J Tolhurst’s comment is completely spurious.
    May I suggest he/she takes another walk, this time to the hospital, to meet the dedicated NHS staff who provide NHS care to the in-patients there. Then ask the volunteer receptionist on duty how many people each day are seen in the NHS out-patient department. Since the hospital reopened some 22 years ago the Trustees and other volunteers of the Charity have worked tirelessly to ensure Rye Winchelsea & District Memorial Hospital continues to offer NHS care to the community. The Charity is always in need of volunteers to help achieve this and would welcome J Tolhurst should she/he like to step forward.

  3. J. Tolhurst is under a misconception. The hospital is run by ESHT as an intermediate hospital with 19 beds in constant use. Patients are referred either from the acute hospital or by GPs or district nurses, and the average stay is 21 days. Only two beds are available for some private use.
    We also have an increasing number of outpatient clinics, and exciting plans to bring more services to Rye, including a state of the art care home and a Day Care Centre..
    Sally Compton
    Chairman, Friends of Rye, Winchelsea & District Memorial Hospital


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