Shop fleeced of coats


A burglary at the Golden Fleece outfitters shop in Lion Street, took place in the early hours of Tuesday morning, November 21. The shop door was forced open by jemmy and crowbar, and three men were seen loading stolen Barbour jackets into two vehicles, a Citroen Picasso and a BMW. More than 60 items of clothing were stolen with a retail value in the region of £12000.

Shopowner John Fasson received an automated burglar alarm phone call at 3:27am at his home in Canterbury. He immediately set off for Rye, where he was met by three squad cars from Sussex Police, summoned in response to the same automated alarm call.

Unfortunately for the thieves, the street-noise had alerted two guests separately at the George Hotel, both awake with young children, said John Fasson. They witnessed the vehicles being loaded; one photographed a car number plate, and the other was able to provide an accurate description to the police. A conversation was also overheard with one of the men telling another: “Don’t forget to collect the screw-driver”. This was ironic, because a crowbar used in the burglary was found in the shop, to be removed by the police for finger-printing, when they attended the scene around 10am next morning.

A CCTV camera located in the High Street at the corner of Market Road, provided further evidence of identification, By 12 noon that same day, Sussex Police had tweeted that an arrest had been made.

According to John Fasson. one of the burglars came from Gravesend in Kent, and another was arrested in Hastings. The third man has not yet been apprehended. John Fasson further commented that the clothing stolen appeared to have been carefully targeted, perhaps following a prior reconnaissance visit.

Sussex Police later confirmed that stolen property from the burglary had been recovered from the Citroen car traced to north Kent. A 38-year-old man from south London and a 48-year-old man from Hastings have been arrested on suspicion of burglary. The younger man was subsequently released under investigation. The older man currently remains in police custody. A third man is still being sought.

Anyone with information about this incident who has not yet spoken to officers is asked to contact police online or call 101 quoting reference 98 of 21/11. Alternatively, please visit the Crimestoppers website or contact the independent charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Photo: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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