The healing power of music


Our local patient participation groups from Rye Medical Centre and Ferry Road Health Centre are again joining forces to present another Healthy Living event. A long line of interesting topics has featured in these regular events, such as “Your Heart Matters”, “Watch your Back” and “Creaking Joints”, as well as one on life-saving techniques with a demonstration by a paramedic. Importantly, these presentations give the audience the chance to put their own questions to the speakers.

Coming up on October 1, at our usual venue of Rye Primary School is “Music for Wellbeing and Health”, when Liz Butt and colleagues from The Music Well will be explaining how music can support the sick through various health problems. Come along and find out how music therapy and musical activities such as singing, drumming and improvisation can improve your sense of wellbeing and health – and there will be some instruments to see, hear and play, too.

These events are not just for PPG members, but for everyone in the community. One of the best attended was earlier this year when a consultant urologist gave a somewhat eye-watering talk about the prostate gland. Men were visibly seen crossing their legs. The music event is not expected to have the same result! Wednesday October 1, 6pm for 6.30 start, at Rye Primary School, The Grove, Rye TN31 7ND . There will be the usual opportunity to win excellent prizes in the raffle, plus drinks and light refreshments.

Gill Clamp is on the RMC PPG committee

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