A money-making scheme?


Dear Sir
I have received a parking fine from Smart Parking for parking at Camber Sands.
I have provided evidence that I used the phone and pay system (phone bill) and my bank have verified that I made payment.
I have appealed on this basis and this has not been accepted. I have now approached POPLA [Parking On Private Land Appeals].
Do you have others raising similar concerns?
It strikes me that this is a money-making scheme that is based on the hope that people will be intimidated into paying rather than face a higher fine.
I would be interested to hear.
Sally Williamson

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  1. If you have definitely paid for the correct time, and you have evidence of this, then why not let the company pursue you through the courts?

  2. Of course it’s a money-making scheme, the parking company are in the business to make a profit. But the business must operate in a legal and morally acceptable way. If there is evidence that the correct fee for the duration of parking has been paid then the company cannot enforce the payment of a further fee for exceeeding this period. (It is NOT a ‘fine’, it is a penalty charge, as overstaying in a car park is not a criminal offence.)
    I understand that nationally one third or more of such penalties are waived when challenged, and rightly so. Challenge it if you are incorrectly charged, for goodness sake!


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