Book signing does go there


Local illustrator Oliver Brooks and author Nicola Parkhouse had a busy afternoon on Saturday, July 21 signing copies of their book ‘Ollie, Don’t You Go There’.
Writer Nicola and cartoonist Ollie were delighted with the sales of their book, which is ideal for children of all ages. Like all good children’s books it is just as much fun to read it to young children and show them the beautiful drawings, as it is for children of reading age, or who are learning to read, to immerse themselves in Ollie the onion’s adventure.
Nicola is working on her next book ‘The Trouble With The Alphabet’ and more information about her books can be found on her website. Meanwhile Rye-based Ollie is putting the final touches to ‘The Poem That I Wrote’, a book that he has written and illustrated, which is due to be published later this year. More information about his work can be found here.

Photo: Tony McLaughlin

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