Police hours cut by a quarter


Even if the police force is supposed to be expanding, and readers’ comments on our previous story questioned this, its presence in Rye is contracting.
The police station in Cinque Ports Street is currently open to the public from 10am to 2pm. But from August 6, it will be only be open in the afternoon from 1-4pm.  Inspector Dan Russell of the Rother District Prevention Team also says it will still be open Monday to Friday – but only 15 hours in a week compared to 20 hours currently.
There is a yellow phone outside the station to call for help when it is closed.

Photo: Rye News Library

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  1. I would like to ask Dan Russell a serious question, surely this undermanned, understaffed police station, where once again opening hours are being reduced remains open at all, perhaps he can tell me at what cost to the taxpayers of Rother, it’s fast becoming a bigger white elephant, than the dell aware pavilion in Bexhill.

  2. Excellent point John Tolhurst. Why have this quite large building as a police station at all? Why don’t they sell the place off for flats, maybe social housing and have a hut on the cobbles in front of the building!


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