River Rother clean-up crew


It’s a disaster zone. It’s a toxic dump. We’re not talking about some remote corner of the Blue Planet; we’re talking about our very own Rother River in Rye.
Thousands of plastic bottles, discarded fridges, car tyres, even an old toilet litter this historic and once pristine riverbank, causing an eyesore to walkers and a dangerous hazard to wildlife and livestock. Let’s clean it up.
Join Andy Dinsdale and the Clean-Up Crew for Day One of the Rother River Clean-Up.
WHEN: Sunday, January 14 at 10 a.m.
WHERE: The North Point Pumping Station. (From the east end of the Monk-Bretton Bridge/A 259 across from Skinner’s car lot, pass through the gate on the south side of the road and follow the bike path towards Camber. Immediately after passing through the 2nd gate and crossing the canal, go over the stile on your right and follow the path 200 yards to the Pumping Station.)
WHAT TO BRING: Heavy work gloves. (We’ll provide collecting bags and pick-up tools.) A hand rake if you have one.
WHAT TO WEAR: Sturdy wellies, waterproof gear. (It’s a rain-or-shine event.)
For further information, contact Sandy Spencer, 01797 224375 / 07873 494656 or email sandyspencer46@gmail.com

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