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Rye News goes live

Rye News is, finally, a reality. Wishful thinking has been turned into a community newspaper. Its Editor, Kenneth Bird, introduces the growing team who are giving their free time - to making a difference

Cash for cancer nurses

Macmillan nurses had 950 runners raising cash for them in this year's London Marathon. One of them was Rachel Comotto of Winchelsea

Male Lions take a mauling

By Dan Lake Male pride was dented when Rye &...

Ferry disaster planning

The recent ferry disaster in South Korea underlines why emergency teams need "crisis rehearsals" like a recent one aboard P&O's Spirit of Britain

Record result for Runners

Rye Runners did the town proud. Coach Jeff Pyrah came in fourth and won the title for highest placed Sussex man. Farther back in the field, and a bit later, two of his "marathon virgins" completed their first ever race

‘No town plan means no say’

Anthony Kimber believes that those who scoff at a Neighbourhood Plan for Rye need to think again

Unstuck – a parking problem

Residents of Lion Street in Rye, as well as tourists, have frequently protested at traffic jams caused by delivery vehicles illegally parked in the road. The answer, the town council has decided, is to build a loading bay in the High Street

Ahoy! Losers come up tops

On the day the Ambrette raft race team didn't look as if it had fared too well. The team's raft was rammed by bigger craft and it turned over four times. But the "losers" in Rye's annual race run to raise money by the Rye Lions did surface as the team to raise most money. It collected £700 for its chosen charity - the RNLI

A bit too diverting

Signs. Dotted around Rye. Yellow ones. Urging us this way and that. But why? Has someone lost the plot? And how many drivers lost their way

Churches play their cards right

One local charity is, consistently, the choice of hundreds when Rye shoppers come to buying Christmas cards: The Romney Marshes Historic Churches Trust. Who else figures high? Read on to find out

Little Shop closes its doors

A central feature of Winchelsea has closed: the Little Shop general store in the High Street is no more. There is disquiet about the fate of the building which was at one stage bequeathed to the National Trust with the intention it should remain a village shop

Bird reserve couple flee home

As floodwaters rush in and people run to safety so a familiar harbour landmark almost drifts out to sea

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