Another chapter closes


In Rye, among all the galleries, coffee shops, restaurants, clothes shops and antiques and curios businesses, are a few charity shops who survive on the generosity of the local community with their charitable donations. Unfortunately the current climate has put a huge amount of pressure on them as they, like many other businesses, have had to shut up shop until it was safe to reopen.

Age UK East Sussex is a local charity whose objective is to help older people in the local community by delivering activities and services to them, funded by sales of donated goods.

Regrettably, this shop will not be reopening as Age UK

Unfortunately, as the poster in the window (shown above) confirms, the Age UK shop on Rye High Street has been closed for some months now, and will not be re-opening again – a loss for the High Street, as well as the charity and local community, but yet another casualty of the current pandemic.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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