Rye celebrates coronation in style


Rye’s celebrations for the coronation began at 4:20pm on Saturday, May 6 in front of the Buttermarket with Ryebellion drumming and doing what they do best, drawing in the crowds. They are synonymous with Rye’s celebratory events and the public loves them.
Rye’s town crier Paul Edward Goring gave a brief welcome and outlined the shape of the afternoon.

Arabella Ansar, deputy town crier, introduced Martin Wimbush who gave a reading of Jerusalem which was well received by his Rye fans. He was followed by Anthony Kimber who gave a speech on behalf of the armed services and then Revd Paul White led everyone in prayers for the new king.

“Oyez, oyez, oyez!” Paul Goring gave the official coronation cry followed by: “Three cheers for the king” by Andy Stuart, deputy mayor, which rang through the streets of Rye as everyone joined in.

Friends Unlimited led all those assembled in singing the National Anthem and then they encouraged everyone to sing patriotic songs. How joyous it all sounded and everyone cheered at the end and went home happy that they had played a small part in the day of the coronation of our King Charles III.

This video created by Martin Bruce gives a flavour of the celebrations.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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