Learning how to draw


Select New Road Artists (residents of Rye Creative Centre) are hosting free drawing workshops as official members of the international drawing festival “The Big Draw” on Sunday October 25, from 12pm to 1:30pm (currently the only Big Draw event taking place in Rye). The Big Draw is the world’s biggest drawing festival with thousands of enjoyable, and mainly free, drawing activities which connect people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illustrators – and each other.

Sculptress Stephanie Rubin is taking influence from Paula Rego and creating a dramatic still life scene complete with model, to encourage narrative and exploratory drawing (for over 16s).

Multimedia artist Christine Hopwood likes to mix it up a little bit and will have visitors looking at drawing from unusual perspectives with unusual techniques and mediums. Hopefully you will never look at things in quite the same way again.

Carol Macdonald is daring children to draw as, with only a pencil and by drawing lots of long lines you can show an interesting picture of your foot, your hand or your eye! Come along, and Carol can show you how. If not your own body part, you can instead do frogs, snakes, dogs, cats, flowers, trees or any other image you can think of. Fun is here to be had! (young children must be accompanied).

The workshops are free, but please contact the Creative Centre to be certain of a place as numbers are limited: assist@ryecreativecentre.co.uk or 01797 229 797. Rye Creative Centre, New Road, Rye TN31 7LS.

The Big Draw is for anyone who loves to draw, as well as those who think they can’t!

Illustration : New Road Artists

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