More than just Mozart at St Mary’s


Tickets are now on sale for Rye Bay Ensemble’s Mainly Mozart concert at St Mary’s Rye on Saturday March 14, writes Rebekah Gilbert. Doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. We will be performing some of Mozart’s most famous arias from his 0peras including Don Giovanni, Marriage of Figaro, Magic Flute and Cosi Fan Tutti. Alongside will be contrasting works by Kurt Weill, Sondheim and other popular composers. We are delighted that fabulous pianist Helen Ridout, from London, is joining us again to accompany local professional singers Jonathan Breeds and myself, and introducing new talented tenor, John Ridout. Helen will be performing two beautiful Mozart sonatas, including his famous Rondo Alla Turca. Tickets, £10, can be purchased on the door, by phoning 07974 001818 or by email.

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