Pubs quiz prizewinners


Three Rye readers have won signed copies of David Russell’s paperback The Pubs of Rye, East Sussex, 1750-1950 in our pre-Christmas quiz. They are Sally Brown,  Timothy Gorman, and Derick Holman. We’ll be delivering – on foot – before the end of this  weekend. The questions with correct answers are as following:

1 A member of the infamous Hawkhurst smuggling gang looking for a crafty pint and a plot in 1735 would be most likely to go to? Answer: The Mermaid
2 If you were dining at the Queen Adelaide pub on Ferry Road, Rye, what would you most likely be scoffing? Answer: une assiette de fromage et charcuterie
3 Which leading media group is currently running a sloe gin competiton? Answer: Rye News

The Pubs of Rye is 282pp, price £13.99. Available from the publisher in Hastings. See its website for details.

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