Filmgoers wear a different hat


Big changes are afoot at the film club, necessitated by the projected opening of the Kino Cinema in town later this year.  Members at January’s AGM unanimously voted to disband the Rye Film Club at the end of April.  Thereafter, unless opting out, membership would automatically be transferred to the Rye Community Centre Association.

In restructuring, the club decided that it would apply for a Public Video Screen Licence –  this allows it to show free films that it supplies itself. The licence would run from May 1 2014 to April 30 2015 at an annual cost of £107. “This will give us ample scope to show lesser known and foreign films to smaller audiences in conjunction with the mainstream films carefully selected for our Rye audience,” said John Holbrook, the club’s chairman. Previously, the club has had to pay £99 to Filmbank for each film shown.

Apart from substantially reducing the overall cost of film hire licences, this change will allow members to see twice as many films for the same price. While existing membership cards cost £12 and were valid indefinitely they allowed the member to see only three films. Under the new scheme, £12 buys six months’ membership of the Rye Community Centre and access to all the films; £24 buys a year’s membership and entry to all the films. It is hoped to introduce other member benefits in future.

Major films will continue to be shown on the first Friday of each month, but in addition members will be able to see four major foreign language films on later Fridays in May, June, July and August. If your membership covers these months all these films are included at no extra cost.

Existing Rye Film Club cards remain valid until July 31 2014.  Guests will continue to pay £5 per film, payable at the box office.

Details of forthcoming films are available by email, or by checking the Rye Film Club website – or from posters at the community centre.   Newsletters will be hand-delivered where practicable as now.  Information is also available at Grammar School Records, High Street, Rye, open 7 days a week.



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