Waterloo battle in miniature


This year, to coincide with the bi-centenary of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, Rye Museum will host a special exhibition “Leading to Waterloo – 200 years”. The exhibition will feature six significant scenes from the battle with figures kindly loaned and arranged by Chris Viner of “Soldiers of Rye” in the High Street, writes Ray Prewer. In addition there are details of how Rye and the surrounding areas prepared for possible invasion and war during the Napoleonic period, including details of the Martello Towers and the construction of the Military Canal.

Among the other exhibits are a watercolour from the 18th century of the camp on Rye Hill, a Cinque Ports Volunteer’s hat and a marble bust of the young Napoleon, along with a timeline of events leading up to the battle and beyond and a timeline of the major events of the battle. The Rye Museum in East Street will be open every day from Saturday September 12 to Sunday September 27 during the Rye Arts Festival from 10:30am to 4:30pm, last admission 4:00pm. Entrance is free, but donations are welcome.

Photo Ray Prewer

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