Flower and vegetable show


Rye flower and vegetable show welcomed a record number of entries at the Community Centre on Saturday August 19. Competition was fierce but good-humoured and the standard of entries impressive.

Ever-colourful fuchsias

Bill White swept all before him with a wide range of entries across the 50 classes, many of which caught the judges’ eyes. A pumpkin weighing over 70lbs grown by Nigel Jennings won the heaviest squash class, while three superb courgettes grown by Steve Costas were judged the best entries in show.

The Mayor, Jonathan Breeds, and his consort presented the certificates, cups and prizes. He also announced Dawn and Fred Gilbert as the winners of the best-kept allotment competition, run by Rye Amenity CIC. Delicious refreshments were provided by the ladies of the Landgate WI.

Perfect courgettes

As the show organiser, I am delighted with this year’s show. The range of entries was amazing, the hall looked lovely. We are grateful to Rye Amenity CIC for their generous donation towards the running costs of the show and also to the local businesses who support us year on year. Without that the show couldn’t get off the ground. Thanks, too, to the judges who make it all possible, but most of all to the participants who put in so much time and effort to produce such brilliant entries.

Full results as follows:
Butterfield Cup Winner of the Victoria Sponge Class: Pauline Vicarey
The Raffles Cup Winner of the needlework class: Julie Webster
Ivy Say Cup Photography “A famous phrase line or saying”: Pat Wightwick
The Mary Grace Osbourne Cup for a house plant: Yvonne Vicarey
The Fullerton Rose Bowl  for three stems of roses any variety: Bill White
The Tate Trophy Best exhibit in show: Steve Costas
The Festival Challenge Bowl Highest overall score in the show: Bill White
The Royal Horticultural Society Banksian Medal Highest number of points in the horticultural classes: Bill White
The Turk Trophy Awarded to the allotment holder with the highest number of points in the horticultural classes: Bill White

Category Winners
Fruit and vegetables: Bill White
Flowers, foliage and ornamental: Bill White
Cookery: Helena Hudd
Handicraft: Julie Webster
Photography: Lorna Hall

And the inevitable funny-shaped vegetables make their ritual appearance

Photos: Helena Hudd

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