The local food bank is impacted by the current pandemic in the same way as any other organisation and we are introducing new procedural measures to ensure the safety of our clients and volunteers.
Unfortunately the normal supply chains for Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch are struggling at the moment as a consequence of panic buying. Shortages in supermarkets are having an inevitable knock-on effect and the Rye food bank has run short of several essential items.

Please, we would ask, do not forget to add contributions to the collection points in Rye local churches or to the food bank itself – at the back of the Baptist church in Cinque Port Street which is open every Wednesday from 1pm until 3pm.
We appreciate donations of all tinned goods including meat, and meat products, vegetables (potatoes, peas, beans), soup, sugar, tea, long life milk, and cereals. Also toiletries are very much appreciated, especially hand wash.
All our clients are in difficult circumstances which may very well be worsened by the economic impact of the current pandemic. Please remember them when you are shopping and thank you so much for your continuing generous support.
Image Credits: Mags Ivatts , Rye News library .
If you would like to make a direct payment to the foodbank the name of the account is Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch. Sort code 20-54-25 account number 83501116.
If you wish to donate to the Food Bank, the account is Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch, Sort code 20-54-25 and the account number is 83501116