Healthy Ageing through Innovation


Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) is an innovative research and community action project aiming to empower older adults to define what support they need; take part in designing new services; reduce loneliness, improve health and wellbeing and have a voice in shaping their community.

We are looking for volunteers and older adults to have structured conversations using a unique HAIRE toolkit. These conversations will help inform us understand the opportunities and challenges older people face living rurally, and will inform what innovations the community may want to explore.

Volunteers need to be able to show a genuine interest in others, allow people to talk about what matters to them, and have good listening skills. The three half-day training sessions will prepare volunteers for holding guided conversations with local residents to explore their health and wellbeing, and will contribute to the design of new activities and services to make Rye a great place to grow older!

Alternatively, you may like to be linked with a local volunteer to spend a couple of sessions chatting about your life in Rye or the surrounding area – the challenges, opportunities and ideas you have for making Rye a more connected, vibrant and sustainable place to live.

Either way, we’d love to hear from you. For more information, please get in touch with Jen at For more information about the project please visit:

Image Credits: Rother Voluntary Action .

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