The 12th century Iden church celebrated the year of open doors at its flower festival on August 27, 28 and 29, with a fete in the church grounds on August 29. This tribute in flowers reflected the opening of hearts and minds during the year, in this pretty country church. The stalls for the fete were laid out under gazebos around the church itself and altogether it made a very picturesque scene.
The church looked really lovely, with some dozen arrangements on the theme, like opening doors to the “”First day at school” , by Judith Hogg and Gill Wood and “Music” by Trish Evans. A number had religious themes, for example, Barbara Lowe’s “Heaven” ( see picture ) and “Confirmation” by Jill Johnson.
The fete bric a brac stall benefited from a born salesman and the produce stall was gradually acquiring its stock. Tea, coffee and cake were also on sale and made a pleasant break. Altogether, a most enjoyable morning.
Thanks to all the contributors, and “especially to Neville and Teresa for their help”, as recorded on the programme!
Photos: Gillian Roder