Niche fashion show at the Hub


There was a real buzz around the Hub on Rye Hill on Thursday evening June 3. Guests arrived to enjoy the fashion show in partnership with Lesley Farrow of Niche in Rye. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, guests were limited but after last year’s show having been cancelled there was real excitement and anticipation for the ever popular local event. The new venue of the Hub meant that an extended runway was available which included a section on the Hub’s sunny patio.

The models’ outfits were accompanied by gorgeous hats. All were kindly loaned by Herald and Heart. Reg Merchant provided the audio equipment and guests were treated to a short musical interlude whilst Lesley and her lovely models enjoyed a break. Lesley’s style tip for this season was the classic pairing of black and white and she finished the evening off with a simultaneous parade of all models in just that combination.

Over £1,000 was raised on the evening. After a donation was made to support Rye & District Community Transport, the remaining funds will be added to the echocardiogram machine appeal currently being run in Rye as part of the Winchelsea and District Memorial Hospital centenary celebrations. The echocardiogram machine will be purchased shortly, with proposed clinics starting later this summer. Jane Conlin, who owned a shop in Rye, was given a chance to use a shop in Tenterden for one month without paying rent. She roused all her friends to donate beautiful clothes she could sell, adding to the funds for the echocardiogram machine. It was a lot of work but well worth it.

The hospital management would like to thank everyone who made the event happen, especially Lesley and Peter Farrow, all of the models, Reg Merchant, Jane Conlin and Paula Riley and all the volunteers who helped out on the night. If you are interested in more information please go to the hospital website

Image Credits: Heidi Foster , Paddy Boyle , Francesca Clent .

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  1. It was a great evening and I am sure a lot of hard work went into the event behind the scenes as well! Such a worthwhile cause and the hub really came into its own too! Thank you to Leslie and the team who work tirelessly to create the event!


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