A mess. Ludicrous. Criminal


These are just a few of the comments (above) which I heard on a very cold, very wet morning yesterday, Thursday, January 14, about Covid vaccinations as the death rate soared nationwide to its highest level, though infection levels locally in Rother were now apparently falling.

And the information changes daily, though often little accurate detail seemed to be available on the ground – until late yesterday – and often it did not fit with people’s common sense and limited knowledge. This issue of Rye News therefore contains a number of stories about the pandemic which I will try to piece together into something that hopefully makes sense.

However, having done that, an official statement from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) appeared in the afternoon of Thursday January 14, somewhat late in the day for newspapers published that night, so my comments will be very brief.

As far as getting to Etchingham is concerned the official statement basically says “your problem mate” though they have created the problem by choosing that site. Secondly they give the impression of having consulted locally and carefully considered various sites. Nobody I talked to this week felt that and the phrase I heard most often was “What about the Hub on Rye Hill?”, a large, new building next a local hospital and a GP surgery.

At the start of my week (five days ago) I received  a query from Sandra Crawley in Rye Harbour about her vulnerable mother and later on I received another from her which said that Icklesham neighbourhood’s website had reported that an 84-year-old from Northiam had had his first jab and has a date for his second

However the best I could tell her was that a site was opening in Etchingham, north of Hastings, Rye Community Transport is helping a patient get there who has transport problems (and not charging for this service), some over 80s have been called to Etchingham for the Pfizer jab for next week, and the NHS will contact people by letter – though another correspondent claims it is now going to be by phone.

In the meantime however Anthony Kimber has collected information which is summarised in a separate story.

How to get there

Whether the Etchingham centre knows how many people will actually need transport is not known, but a round trip for Rye Community Transport (RCT) will take at least three hours (allowing for pick-up and drop-off time) and, with social distancing, the mini bus can only take a maximum of six passengers, and perhaps only deliver (at best) 18 patients a day.

However advice has emerged from NHS sources that a patient could be carried in a car driven by someone NOT in their bubble, provided both patient and driver are distanced and masked, and the car is sanitised after each trip, if people are willing to do this.

I do not drive because of dyspraxia, a co-ordination disorder, and therefore do not own a car, but my searches showed me I could get to Eastbourne quicker by train, rather than going to Etchingham, and centres in Bexhill and Hastings would be even more accessible – avoiding very long waits on a freezing Hastings platform, particularly as I have COPD (think “asthma”, but much worse!).

What does not help either is information that is inaccurate, whether unintentionally or deliberately inaccurate, which has resulted in readers contacting Rye News for help

More information sooner stops worries

Our local doctors are doing their best to keep people  informed and, in turn, Rye News is doing what it can to ensure local volunteers are kept up to date.

However, while we desperately need to keep to “the rules” to save lives, when these  change frequently and sometimes seem not to make sense, it is hard to get people to obey them and people will question what appear to be daft proposals.

The Etchingham location might appear to fall into that category, and raises more questions than have so far been answered, so – while next week may prove to be a turning point in dealing with the pandemic locally – it seems that many are still very concerned about their “nearest and dearest”, and do not feel they have enough information – a feeling they have in common with Rye News’ Editor.

Image Credits: Crown copyright 2020 .

Previous articleThe Etchingham Plan
Next articleRother’s housing problem


  1. Can anyone explain why Rye cannot do vaccines in the brand new Wellbeing Hub right next to Rye Medical Centre? The centre is, its website tells us, closed until the pandemic is over. WHY?

    It’s great to read that staff at the medical centre are Covid free but, call me cynical if you will, is that because patients aren’t actually going there?

    • Chris, you make two very valid points! We are both over 85 and have heard nothing yet. I do wonder when we will…and we are not thrilled at the thought of possibly ‘hanging around’ in Etchingham.

  2. I thought Boris said everyone would be within 10 miles of their local vaccination centre……Etchingham is (according to Google Maps) 17 miles away from Rye and a 30 minute drive. That is almost twice as far as he said. As usual Rye is forgotten about !!

  3. This is very worrying for single pensioners like me who are unable to drive – I am blind in one eye, so have no car. I have read that some branches of Boots are administering the jab, but I have not heard that either of the two chemists in our High Street are offering this service. I am in my seventies, so not a priority, but it would be good to know where (if not when) I shall be able to get my jab.

  4. So many elderly people won’t know how to arrange transport, or be able to afford it. I know there may be Voluntary groups helping but how many can they safely transport? Many people will get missed for sure.

  5. Personally I think there are several possibilities with community halls, the hub, two large car parks (which are used in other areas and Etchingham) and medical centre, so it is perplexing that after all the months they had to come up with something closer than Etchingham, (they (whoever makes the decisions) for rye and outer locality.

    I know for a fact a couple of people who will be unable to make that journey (I would be happy to take the fiends over 90) but health wise it would not be conducive and one friend has already said she will rather not have it than go so far.

    I know that Anthony Kimber and our Mayor Rebbeca Gilbert have been busy trying to persuade responsible people for the vaccine to find something nearer but so far no result.
    I knew from the disaster of test and trace that the roll out of vaccination would be not world beating as promised. And East Sussex, Rye seems to be lagging behind their neighbours who have started. Why I ask. A rumour I hear that Lydd airport is being considered?????

  6. At Rye & District Community Transport we are horrified at the news that Etchingham Village Hall has been designated as the vaccination centre for Rural Rother. From the very start of the vaccination plan RDCT said that it will provide transport, making no charge – it’s just too important to get these jabs done – for people to get to/from vaccination. Like many we had believed that the new Hub on Rye Hill with its excellent and flexible facilities, space to queue, process and monitor people, car parking, and served by 3 bus routes, would be the first choice for a vaccination centre for Eastern Rother. The Hub is a 15 minute (or less) journey from Rye and the villages in RDCT’s catchment area (Rye Harbour, Winchelsea Town and Beach, Icklesham, Udimore, Northiam, Beckley, Peasmarsh, Rye Foreign, Iden, Playden, Camber) apart from Broad Oak (about 20 minutes), meaning that we could transport people singly (or a couple from same household) as we have been doing for medical appointments right the way through since March. I estimate that a round trip and vaccination at Etchingham will take 2 – 2&half hours which means that we would need to have ‘batches’ of people, maximum 5 – 6 to take for each run, so logistically it is more problematic. But RDCT will do it. Furthermore, for what reason was the Hub deemed ‘unsuitable’ when a village hall, albeit a relatively new build was ok’d? I believe those who have cited the necessity for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine to be stored at -70C are being ingenuous: once delivered the vaccine can be stored for up to 5 days in a fridge between 2 and 8C. I understand that people will be phoned to give them an appointment for vaccination and I am trying to set up liaison with those making the appointments so that we are able to take small groups in one go. From the early days in March we instigated protocols and regular cleaning procedures to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers on our buses (those using the 326 service are familiar with them), so those we transport can feel confident that we have their wellbeing as a priority. But there are a number of people who are completely housebound (even before the pandemic), what provisions are being made for their vaccination? And ditto for those in sheltered accommodation, many of whom are frail? Will they be vaccinated on site as happens with flu vaccinations? I would like to ask that if any of you or a family member or friend/neighbour is given an appointment at Etchingham and cannot drive yourself there please contact RDCT on 01797 227722 and leave a message on the answerphone (phone number, name, appointment date and time) and we will arrange transport for you. Our priority is supporting our community in getting through this.

  7. I have isolated and hoped for an end but many selfish people have not helped and it now seems that we are the losers as we have got the dud! PLEASE sort out this mess we do not deserve this Rye always gets the rubbish

  8. I am horrified that we are expected to travel 17 miles to Etchingham for the vaccine. I feel for the older members of our area as lots of them will be expected to travel with people not in their ‘bubble’ and sometimes in a bus with several others on a 3 hour round trip! Although I am 65 and have a car I am on the critically vulnerable list. To make matters worse I understand the vaccine being administered at Etchingham is the Pfizer one. I have allergies so can’t have that one. I can’t imagine I will be the only person who will fall into that category. So, what of us? One wonders why so much of our money seems to have been wasted on The Hub!

  9. I have read the comments on these various articles. Can somebody please be positive about the vaccine- this is the best news we have had for over a year and we have to rely upon good hard-working people to ensure we all are given the jab within the timescales and at the several centres promised. To use the word ” criminal” is unworthy.
    We just have to be patient and abide by the rules!!

    • Well said Michael, this was at best a poor article and the ‘clickbait’ headline has little or nothing to do with what followed (except for an unattributed quote) and all it has done is to worry and frighten many people who, judging by the comments, are clearly concerned that either they should have been contacted and have been missed out or feel they would be unable to get to Etchingham and thereby miss out on the vaccine.

      In fact this is just the start, but far from the end, of the vaccine role out in this part of Sussex (we do seem to be behind other areas) and a single mass vaccination point has been chosen because of the logistics problems of distributing the Pfizer vaccine with its very specific storage requirements. It is, of course, unfortunate that in this instance a centre was chosen for Rother by someone who obviously has little idea of local geography!

      However, on the positive side, everyone can rest assured that, as long as they are registered with a local surgery they WILL be notified of a vaccination time and date. If they can get to Etchingham, great. But even if they can’t, don’t worry. Once further supplies of the Oxford/AZ vaccine are available, local surgeries, and possibly pharmacies, will start to receive them – which will quite possibly include Rye – and this will speed the operation up and also solve the problem of travel.

      So the message is: have patience, it is neither a mess, nor ludicrous, nor criminal as this paper’s editor has suggested in the misleading headline and your vaccination WILL happen and even if you think you should have been notified by now, you haven’t been forgotten.

  10. Hooray, someone with a rational outlook on what is a unique situation, everyone’s an expert and demanding to know why Rye has been forgotten.
    As for the hub, why is it not being used, why is it empty, why was it built for that matter?
    If they were to centralise the Rother area, it wouldn’t be Rye which is as far east as Etchingham is west, why not pick Battle? That looks pretty central to me but as Bob Harris says, be patient and for goodness sake stop pestering the GP’s who have enough to do.

  11. It is a shame that being a town we are not able to have a vaccination site of our own in Rye especially as the hub would be perfect and standing there empty! However I understand that being in a group of surgeries at the moment there can only be one centre! Etchingham does seem a strange choice BUT the most IMPORTANT point is that the vaccinations are on their way and it is such a positive step for all of us in these very trying times!

  12. BBC SE’s lunchtime headline today Monday 18th was “Delays, concerns and confusion surround the vaccination rollout, including a general lack of information and the cancellation of apppointments because vaccine has not arrived.”
    And in my emails I was told Rye’s Hub was ready and able to (and could) provide a centre for vaccinations (confirmed by other sources) but doctors in the nearby Rye Medical Centre had not want get involved in the Enhanced Training (not confirmed).
    In the meantime Rye’s Mayor has told me that she has made frequent attempts to get information from the NHS group organising Etchingham (with no replies) and also that Hastings and Rye MP Sally-Anne Hart was at hard work behind the scenes.
    I’ve also contacted my own surgery pointing out that I was never contacted last year by the NHS or them about “shielding” though I’m now 78, had severe asthma at birth and was never expected to live, and have had COPD for a long time, and have my own nebuliser at home to avoid bothering A&E.
    Having taken advice, I’ve asked my surgery for written confirmation that I will be notified about my vaccinations.
    But you should be aware that the NHS is not totally a public service. As the founder said at the time he only got some doctors on board by stuffing their mouths with gold, and many surgeries are private contractors – so I assume they can refuse to participate in the vaccination programme.
    One of my children – a hospital doctor – does not have that choice. and neither do any of the staff on the real front line – in care homes, ambulances, intensive care etc etc.
    And I won’t forget others who are at immediate risk too – like supermarket workers – or indeed teachers, who have often been dealing with children too young to really understand what infection is – and I have adult children working in those areas too – so when we chat on Zoom, the first question always is – Are you OK ? – and every day I worry.

  13. People from Iden have been called over to Etchingham for tomorrow- if we can get 250,000 troops off the beaches at Dunkirk under heavy bombardment, we can get everyone in Rye and surrounds over to Etchingham.

    • This simply isn’t true Michael. Fred Cuming is 91, and hasn’t been called. I’ve spoken to Sally Ann Hart, Rebekah Gilbert and Rye Medical Centre and no one can give me a reason why?

  14. The simple explanation for siting the vaccine operation at Etchingham is that they will be using the Pfizer vaccine which has to be stored at -70 c. Thus it is difficult to set up the necessary refrigeration at too many sites. As I understand it, the Astra Zenneca vaccine will be made available, as soon as the manufacturers have made enough, at local surgeries including, one hopes, at Rye Medical Centre. It’s unfortunate that the Pfizer vaccine is all that is available at present in this part of the country so that the 3 Priority categories are having to travel a bit further in order to be among the first in the queue. Both I and my wife are classed as ‘extremely vulnerable’ and have been locked up on and off for nearly a year. However, patience is a virtue. We can’t all be first. The limitation is with the manufacture not with the distributors or medical staff and badgering your surgery, MP or town mayor won’t help anyone

  15. ‘This has been posted on the Icklesham NextDoor app. If this has always been the plan it would been helpful for the Government to tell us in the first place.
    A very informative interview with two GP leaders (Dame Clare Gerarda and Dr Helen Salisbury) on R4 Today program this morning revealed the underlying reason for ‘lumpiness’ in roll out of vaccination. GP networks (as revealed in posts above) will scan their lists for patients to call in when they know there is vaccine being delivered for them at the local vaccination centre. The vaccines are distributed nationally on a formula that includes proportion of over 80 year olds and ‘deprivation index’. We probably have a higher than average proportion of over 80s in rural Rother but a much lower deprivation index than many city areas. So while the over 80s will be vaccinated quite rapidly, the rate of vaccine supply will be the limiting factor after that.’

  16. Surely there must be somewhere else with “super” fridges. Cannot believe Etchingham the only place. Cross the border in Kent there seem to be many more places

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