ARRCC parties with horror show

Local charity ARRCC had a fantastic Christmas party last Thursday for their members, starting with a fabulous home cooked buffet lunch, and then entertainment all afternoon in the theatre at the Rye Creative Centre.
Organised by theatre co-ordinator Sam Williams, staff secretly rehearsed for weeks and (voila) surprised the audience of 120 people with a rendition of the Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Show.
A huge thank you to everyone from ARRCC Rye, Folkestone, Bexhill and ARRCC elders who came, helped arrange, organise, set up, perform and eat all the food. A special thank you to Luke Finch for doing sound and Chloe from Rye Studio School for her assistance and of course to the fabulous Kim Boeje for being with us back by popular demand to sing, a great way to end 2015!

Photo: ARRCC

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