Beach jetsam: Dog warning


Visitors to the beach in Bexhill and Hastings are being asked to keep away from lumps of a waxy like substance that has been washed up on the shore.

The substance is likely to be palm oil as a ship discharged a large amount of the material into the sea off the coast of Cornwall in October. Although harmless to humans, residents are asked to keep their dogs on leads as it can be harmful to them if eaten.

Regular checks are being made of the beaches in the area by Hastings Borough and Rother District councils and the substance, if found, is being removed and disposed of. If anyone finds some on the beach they are urged not to touch it and to contact the district council’s coastal officer by calling 01424 221407.

Although only affecting Bexhill and Hastings at the moment, this stuff is clearly moving slowly up channel and it seems entirely possible we will see some of it from Winchelsea Beach through to Camber before long so if you are a regular walker in this area, make a note of the number above. (Source: Rother District Council)

Photo: Rother District Council

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