This big red bus is so healthy


A big red London bus is coming to Jempson’s Car Park in Rye on Saturday September 5, 9am-12noon, to raise awareness of Healthwatch East Sussex. Healthwatch used to be called Links (Local Involvement Networks), Before that the organisation was known for a long time as Community Health Councils, which brought the community (patients) together with all branches of the National Health Service.

The bus visit is an opportunity to talk to health and social care representatives about your experiences (good and bad) and any ideas you have for improvements. Healthwatch Director Julie Fitzgerald, who lives in Rye, said “as the independent health and care champion for local people, our priority is to listen to local people’s experiences. The Red Bus tour is a major part of how we get out and speak to the public, and a great way for the public to come and find out what their local Healthwatch can do for them”. There will be opportunities to put your views and hear from a variety of local health organisations, as well as meeting people involved in local GP patient participation groups.

Volunteers from Healthwatch are needed, and have come forward, to support the NHS Trust which runs the Conquest Hospital in Hastings. Its chief executive Darren Grayson stepped down after a critical report from the Care Quality Commission in March and feedback from volunteers will support improving services. If you care about the Conquest, the Red Bus visit may be an opportunity to offer support. For more information visit

(Source: Healthwatch)

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