Getting to grips with parking


Rye Town councillors and local residents met with Chief Inspector Paul Phelps, Sergeant Dave Townsend and PCSO Richard Perchard on April 14 to consider a range of possible options and formulate a plan of action to tackle Rye’s traffic problems.

Among other initiatives aimed at curbing regular offenders, the possibility of a Thursday Park and Ride scheme from the Rye Harbour car park (now under the control of Icklesham Parish Council) is to be examined. A community watch parking scheme will be considered, with access to DVLA information so that offenders can be identified and written to in a similar manner to the Speed Watch Scheme.

Better signage to car parks, re-painted yellow lines, greater publicity for season ticket arrangements at the town’s car-parks and a greater measure of enforcement by increased patrols in the citadel “hot-spots” were all proposed. There was a need to change attitudes by informing different groups such as traders, building contractors, even blue badge holders of acceptable behaviour.

The Town Council has drafted an advisory notice that can be placed on cars parked illegally in the loading bay by The George and the police are drafting a press release which will indicate that they are taking the problems seriously and will take action against regular offenders.



Photo: Rye News library

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  1. It’s about time Rye had a park & ride , Thursday , Saturdays & Sundays during the Summer would be good . I work in Rye & parking is a nightmare here

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