Globe houses get green light


Local residents have failed in their efforts to prevent the building of houses in the garden adjacent to the Globe pub in Military Road. Rye and Rother councils both rejected the plans, but Globalisation Ltd, of which Jonathan Jempson is a director, has won its appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Construction can go ahead, either by Globalisation itself or its agents, or by another company should the land be sold on.

Military Road householders have campaigned for more than a year to save the Globe garden. Throughout the planning process, they raised concerns over the possibility of landslips and drainage problems, further strains on parking and, in particular, threats to the viability of the pub itself.

The Globe has had a chequered history in recent years, with several businesses failing in succession. The current incumbents opened their door just a few months ago and appear to be enjoying considerable success. They have invested much time, money and imagination in renovating the property and the pub has become a draw for both locals and visitors to Rye, serving food throughout the day and hosting regular music nights.

The site where the houses will be built next to the Globe Inn Marsh
Up for development: the garden area that will disappear beneath two semi-detached houses

The Globe still has a small garden and part of the car-parking area now has tables in it, to take advantage of the warm weather. The rest of the outside space, formerly the pub’s garden, is the area earmarked for development. The plans allow for the building of a pair of  three-bedroom, semi-detached houses with parking. The houses will be built with reference to the style of the Globe. The Planning Inspectorate requires development to begin within three years, otherwise permission lapses.

Nicola Hill, who was one of the driving forces behind the opposition, said: “Local people would prefer that the garden remained part of the pub. We are very keen that the Globe has every chance to flourish and want to support it in every way possible. The garden provides a green, open space in this part of Military Road. We will be very sorry to lose it.”

From here, opponents to the scheme have limited options. It is possible to go to the High Court, but a challenge has a chance of success only if it can be shown that a point of law has been breached. Typically, the Planning Inspectorate supports the decisions of local councils: in two thirds of cases it upholds the original decision. In this case, the inspector decided that the impact of the two new houses proposed would not materially harm the trees or the view of the escarpment, including the old sea cliff. He also did not find substantial room for concern about landslides or the overall stability of the area.

Globalisation director Jonathan Jempson declined to comment on future plans for the site.

Additional information by Paul Osborne, photos by Tony McLaughlin

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