High Street closing


A number of businesses on Rye High Street have just received a copy of the letter in the photograph informing of the impending road closure. The letter is from Southern Gas Networks (SGN) giving notice that they will be installing a new gas connection to the George Hotel as part of the rebuilding process.

A diversion will be put in place and the work is scheduled to start on Tuesday, February 1, the letter states the work is planned “to take two days, with all reinstatement being completed, and site cleared within three working days”.

The diversion takes traffic from the High Street onto East Street and Market Street around Church Square onto West Street passing Lamb House then rejoining the High Street. The letter also confirms that “access for residents will be maintained”

Whilst this work may cause disruption for a few days it also means that when this new gas connection is completed we are one step closer to seeing the George Hotel reopening at long last. For further information on these works you can contact SGN customer services on 0800 912 1700.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. While the diversion is suitable for cars and vans it is not suitable for long or wide delivery lorries, which will get stuck at the corner of Church Square and West Street. Unless there is suitable signage to stop such vehicles from turning from Tower Street under the Landgate there is a risk that there will be an irreversible blockage to traffic trying to leave Watchbell Street and the square. Access for emergency vehicles would then be seriously compromised. I hope that this has been considered and that a suitable solution has been found before work begins.

  2. Surely the answer is to ban all delivery vans and lorries from the town centre,its only for 2 days,leave space in the bays in cinque ports street,for them to unload and deliver their goods,if they have to come on the days when it’s going to be shut.just allow blue badge holders and residents access, as I can see total mayham,and damage to properties, if they do not adress this problem properly.

  3. I feel for the traders in Rye’s High Street whose businesses must have been adversely affected for so long since that devastating fire at the George Hotel!

  4. It could be absolute chaos if all the traffic is diverted around the cobbled streets. It can be difficult with ‘ordinary’ amounts of traffic. Drivers find trouble turning round the tight corners..
    Only a few days ago an ambulance was turning into Watch bell street from Church Sq and was touching the house….
    Why haven’t the residents of the roads to be used for the diversions been notified..?
    Andrew Bamji has raised an important question..that he hopes they have considered alternatives to vehicles that are unsuitable to travel in the diverted route .

  5. Regarding Andrew’s observation, I have asked East Sussex Highways if SGN will be providing a banksman and signage at the Tower St-Landgate junction.

  6. Another issue is that both the corner at Lamb House and the junction of Church Square & West Street are blind corners, with two-way traffic. It is impossible for a driver to see if any vehicles are coming the other way.
    I’ve witnessed several near misses, when I’ve had to flag drivers down on these corners because they were about to hit a car approaching the corner from the other direction.
    With the increased volume of traffic this diversion will cause, we really need temporary traffic lights or a signal man at each of these corners.

  7. I absolutely agree that for 2 days it is not going to be easy for traders getting their deliveries and residents too! HOWEVER it seems it has GOT to be done to ensure The George is open as soon as possible not only for those who own and work at The George but for the benefit of the other traders too! Hopefully those affected can get the advice they need and appropriate signage is displayed so that The George can welcome customers again as soon as possible!

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