Justin joins Town Council


When the election was held for Rye’s Town Council, Justin Erswell did not stand as he was going to Australia. But now he has just been co-opted on to the council following the resignation of former Mayor Sam Souster shortly after the May elections. There was some expectation that a costly bye-election would be called, but this did not happen. Instead the council sought to fill the vacancy by co-option.

Three people – Ella Bishop, Jonathan Dellar and Justin Erswell – applied to be considered, and the council made its decision on Monday. Bishop, who had been a candidate in the May election, could not be present, but the other two spoke about why they wanted to be on the council and answered questions. A secret ballot was then taken, and Erswell was elected on the first vote – as he had more votes than the other two put together.

In his application he said: “Having lived in and around Rye for most of my life – nearly 36 years – I am incredibly proud of our town, its history, its people and its culture. This is a special place and by applying to be on the Town Council my aim is to protect and enhance the things that make this unique and historic hideaway a great place to live in and visit”.


A Rye Town Councillor. Photo supplied by Justin Erswell.

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