Landmark fails to disappear


Network Rail warned local residents in the vicinity of The Grove level crossing that a redundant telecoms mast would be dismantled  and removed between midnight on Tuesday December 1 this week and 6am the next morning.

In accordance with good practice, apologies for causing inconvenience were given in advance. It is not known to whom such inconvenience might be caused, but inevitably there might be some noise as a high mast close by railway tracks is removed.

Plans to remove the mast may indicate that work by British Telecom  laying cables in the Marsh and around town may be providing better internet connections and the mast is no longer needed.

But the mast seems reluctant to go as it was still there Wednesday morning, and no-one from Network Rail was available to explain what had happened. So watch this space for more information. Or, alternatively, watch the mast (pictured below) to see if it becomes a space.Telecommunication mast at railway crossing

Photos: Kenneth Bird

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