Neighbourhood Plan views sought


Rye moved a step nearer having a binding Neighbourhood Plan for the town at Monday’s Town Council meeting. But when a public vote on the draft plan will take place remains uncertain.
The plan is now in its tenth version since work started in 2012, but recent changes have been mainly about points of detail and presentation.
The bulk of the work was done by the plan’s steering group following a survey of local residents in 2014 and further public consultations in 2016.
The plan itself can also only affect planning matters normally dealt with by Rother District Council and on which the Town Council can put forward its own views.
Some matters such as transport issues and parking are for the local highways authority, which is East Sussex County Council (ESCC), while government departments may be responsible for major issues like a by-pass or high-speed trains.
The plan does include some aspirations however on these wider issues, and ESCC has already begun the process of introducing civil parking enforcement.
The draft plan and full documentation can be found at
The steering group, which comprises town councillors and other volunteers, and is chaired by the current Mayor, has publicised every stage of its activities on its website and made regular reports to the town’s Planning Committee and the full council.
Official consultation with a wide range of public bodies will now start, but much unofficial consultation has already taken place.
Councillor Andy Stuart wanted a longer consultation period, but failed to get support for this move.
Steering group vice-chairman Anthony Kimber said other councils had taken up to two years to get from this stage to holding a referendum on their plans. “And I’m not a betting man” he said when asked about when the public vote might happen.
However he pointed out that extensive consultation had already taken place in 2014 and 2016.
The photo above shows him (second from the right) at one of the exhibitions of the plan’s proposals in 2016. A further display, with an opportunity to make comments, is expected at this year’s Town Meeting alongside other publicity and opportunities for public comments.

Photo: Rye News Library.

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  1. We have reached an important stage in the making of a Neighbourhood Plan for Rye. Today we meet the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations 2012 by starting a 6 week period of consultation with all those who live, work or study in Rye. We do this by enabling further viewing of the papers on our website or in hard copy in Rye Town Hall, Rye Library or the Tilling Green Centre. There are instructions in all places covering how to comment either on line or through psper forms. Anyone with difficulties should contact The Town Hall.
    The link in the piece above is incorrect. The Plan can be found at
    Anthony Kimber PhD
    Fore the Rye NP Steering Group

  2. If the whole process is not to run out of steam, a RTC-sponsored pop-up ‘road show’ presentation should now be created taking the Plan to the various ‘communities’ within Rye – Tilling Green, North Salts, Kings Avenue, the Citadel/Buttermarket, the Library, and anywhere with car-parking facilities ie. the Rye Health Centre, the Leisure Centre, Rye Academy, Jempsons ….. think mobile libraries …… so that the Plan goes to the people and not the other way around.

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