Road ahead closed


Cinque Ports Street is now closed to westbound traffic for up to two weeks between Market Road (Jempsons Cafe) and Regent Square (the police station), but the car park is still open and accessible. Other traffic coming down Rope Walk, which may have thought it was taking a shortcut, will have to go round South Undercliff or risk the High Street. until work is scheduled to end on Friday September 19.

The road signs and barriers are up so sewer connections can be made to the housing and shops now being built on the old garage site next to Phillips and Stubbs’ office. Some of the pavement is also closed off, though the Rye Arts Festival box office is still accessible, and pedestrians may have to use the Gandhi Tandoori side of the road.


The Rye Arts Festival box office at Phillips and Stubbs is still accessible
The Rye Arts Festival box office is still accessible

Photos by Dan Lake

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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