Skills and ideas to mull over


When the Campaign for a Democratic Rye (CDR) held its annual meeting recently in Rye Club – and made some decisions on its future – it asked those present to fill in a questionnaire. Here are some of the results:


  • Campaign to get more decision-making powers in Rye
  • Campaign to ensure delivery of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan by the Rye Town Council
  • A community project to develop the monastery and find beneficial uses for it. Set up a group to buy shares to purchase and beautify it
  • Campaign to persuade landlords on shopping streets to keep rents reasonable, and get tenants and residents to sign up to keeping facades looking good, for example floral displays, weeds kept in check
  • Working parties to beautify the town
  • Get more volunteers for community garden, litter control, town tidy up
  • Support low-performing efforts like potholes, policing, grounds and tree maintenance
  • Provide support for: Chamber of Commerce (especially at Christmas), the neighbourhood plan, and saving the swimming pool

Help offered

  • A financial donation
  • I’m a marketing and fundraising professional (already involved Bonfire Society, Rugby Club, Age Concern) and could help with articles and editorials
  • Help with painting, cleaning signage
  • Restoring Hilder’s Cliff observation point to former splendour
  • Would join a working party for gardening/pruning/beautifying the town
  • I understand there is a new committee planning a superior Christmas festival and would like to help with that
  • Sign design, typography, proofreading
  • Links with Arrcc, Tilling Green Community Centre, other organisations

Jean Floyd is a member of CDR

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