You are being watched!


Rother police made a guest appearance this week on Twitter (that’s apparently social media for the older readers like me) to warn residents that they are being watched to ensure they follow the Prime Minister’s advice and stay at home and/or practice social distancing.

Image Credits: Twitter / Rother Police .

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  1. Not watching that closely! The bikers congregated in large groups, most were not socially distanced and without masks, both days over the weekend at Strand Quay. Two police bike riders were seen riding past without a second look! I doubt many of these bikers were local but obviously they exempt from the rules.

  2. now lockdown is over what are rye locals going to do to stop the bikers parking up on the strand put glass down as the nails did not work i as a biker have not sean so much hate for bikers since the 1970s in no way is this a good thing.

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