CDR’s ‘false promises’


Dear Editor
The 10 Campaign for a Democratic Rye candidates in 2011 were elected on false and unachievable promises, such as:

  1. “We aim to take back all the houses, public buildings and land including the freehold that rightly belongs to the people of Rye plus the £1million that Bexhill hold in their coffers for the sale of council houses that were built by Rye Borough Council” (Tilling Green Estate was not)
  2. “We want planning back and not have what someone else foists upon us”
  3. “Change can happen”

Before CDR starts again under another identity it should be made to explain these promises that have clearly failed, but were popular at the time and supported by some of the electorate.  Of the 10 CDR candidates elected in 2011, how many survive today?

Cllr Sam Souster
Rother District Councillor, Rye Ward

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