All that jazz at Landgate WI


The speaker at the April meeting of Landgate Women’s Institute, Don Dray, certainly got members’ toes tapping with his slide show and talk on the “Roaring Twenties”. Recovering from the First World War to preparing for the second was a tumultuous time. It brought the jazz age and flappers, but strikes and hunger marches were to follow towards the end of the decade. With a lively commentary and contemporary music it was a very entertaining hour. At the next meeting, on May 21, members will be asked to vote on resolutions to be adopted at the National AGM to be held on June 7 in Leeds. There will not be a speaker but some form of in-house entertainment will be arranged. Landgate WI meet every third Wednesday in the month at St Mary’s Centre, Lion Street, Rye, at 10.30am. For more information on the WI, visit the website

Joan Jones is press officer of Landgate Womens’ Institute

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